Select a Licensed or Certified Radon Mitigation Contractor

It is recommended that you have a licensed or certified radon mitigation contractor fix your home because lowering high radon levels requires specific technical knowledge and special skills.

Many states require radon professionals to be licensed, certified or registered, and to install radon mitigation systems that meet state requirements. Contact your state radon office for a list of certified radon service providers doing business in the state. In states that don’t regulate radon services, ask the contractor if they hold a professional proficiency or certification credential. You can contact the National Radon Safety Board (NRSB) for certified professionals in your area. Certification programs usually provide members with a photo-ID card, which indicates their qualification(s) and the ID-card’s expiration date.

How to Maintain Your Radon Mitigation System

  1. Check the manometer. The manometer is a pressure gauge mounted on the pipe to determine if the system is operating properly and the fan is working. The manometer should not read zero; this indicates the fan is not pulling air through the pipe.
  2. If the manometer is reading zero, check the GFI switch to make sure that the electricity to the fan has not been interrupted. This is important especially if you have had a power outage.
  3. Conduct a radon test every two years to make sure that radon mitigation system is operating correctly and reducing radon concentrations to below 4 pCi/L. Click here to order a test kit »

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